Rogue One: Black Series Stormtrooper Helmet.

I have wanted to get a Stormtrooper helmet since I first saw 'A New Hope' in 1981 on the First Choice movie network which is now called TMN the Movie Network. Well thanks to the folks at Hasbro I'll be able to have one. And a really detailed one at that.

The helmets are retailing for $79 last I checked, but prices will vary depending where you are buying it from. I've pre-ordered my helmet from which historically has allowed me to get my oversized Lion-O and some Masterpiece collection Transformers.

One thing I'm noticing about the screen shots is that some have green lens and some have smokey grey. The authentic helmets should have green lenses.


Design Geek, that's me. I love imaginative creative ideas that span nerdom, science and anything overall geeky and artsy. I have more than 17 years of experience as a graphic designer and illustrator.

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