Holographic Displays. 1 Step closer


Holographic Vector Display

Holographic Vectors might not sound as sexy as Holograms but it is the nearest we've been to this kind of science fiction yet. So we'll have to make due. Needless to say the technology is amazing and it gets the job done using Holovects which are not holograms per se so much as volumetric vector images projected onto modified air. Or if you're still not getting it. Lasers projected onto special air. This distinction is due to the fact that a hologram is a recording of interference patterns on film or glass plates that contains three-dimensional information about an object (greek root "holo" means whole or complete, and "gram" means record). However, since Holovect images contain three dimensional information and are free-floating objects in air, they are most certainly holographic. They are real 3-D projections. 

The Science Behind The Curtain. (Oz reference)

So how does it work? The principles are relatively simple. When light travels between two different mediums in most cases you get three different effects to some degree: refraction (bending), reflection, and/or diffusion, depending on the different “refractive index” (RI) of the materials. An example of this are mirages, which occur when a portion of air has a different RI than its surroundings, causing light beams to bend and be reflected in unexpected ways. This can happen because of temperature or pressure differences from one region to the next.

With the holovect technology, technicians have invented how to control air within a box shaped section of space to precisely modify the RI within specific regions to refract and reflect a laser beam. This modification raises the “albedo” which is defined as the proportion of the incident light that is reflected by a surface, as well as the refractive properties at the boundary between the modified and unmodified air. Therefore by simultaneously controlling the aim of the laser and the position of a modified air column, a computer can place a volumetric pixel or voxel of light anywhere in 3D space. Then by keeping a laser beam on as it aims from point A to point B a line is drawn which is a 3D vector, and by joining many vectors in a sequence a holographic vector object can be generated. The Holovect Mk II is capable of drawing a complete image 50 times per second within
a 12cm by 12cm by 12cm cube we call the “drawbox”. Outside of this box things get messy, unpredictable and, in general, not useful.


“Vect” objects are the data-structure developed for the Holovect. Put simply it is a list of 3D coordinates that result in lines drawn in a head-to-tail sequence in space, which are compiled into vect class objects. The files are straightforward and easy to create using a variety of online tools, spreadsheets, or good old pencil and graph paper. Once loaded, vects can be rotated in three axes and moved around within the cubic canvas. These objects can be manipulated using the control knob, preset functions such as spin and move, or used within your own applications.

Create your own images on online tools. Vect creation on Plotly. Create your own images on online tools. Vect creation on Plotly.

If you want to learn more about this, or if you want to back the kickstarter. And to identify the source of most of the content you just read click: Holovect-Holographic-Vector-Display


Design Geek, that's me. I love imaginative creative ideas that span nerdom, science and anything overall geeky and artsy. I have more than 17 years of experience as a graphic designer and illustrator.

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